Collister Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting
February 21, 2018 – 7 pm Collister Library
Attendance: (see sign in sheet)
Welcome and introductions: President Julie Kloche
- ACHD staff introduced a video on the ways to navigate the State and 36th/Veterans Memorial Parkway. These include “ThrU-Turns”, three lane protected left turns, and pedestrian and cyclist protected crossing. 208 387-6100 The project is currently in Phase 1. Later in March, the project will moved to Phase 2 when left turns will not be allowed. The north side of State Street will be closed first. Once that side is complete, they will shut down the south side. There will be at least two lanes open during the construction. Signage will explain how to navigate the route through the intersection. ACHD is aware of the neighborhood’s concerns regarding cut-through traffic spilling over from those drivers trying to avoid the intersection construction work. ACHD is working with Taft Elementary to ensure student and parent driver safety. They will reach out to Collister Elementary as well.
Contact John Wasson, Assistant Traffic Engineer, regarding traffic calming concerns: 208-387-6151
ACHD is installing 5 more speed bumps on Catalpa this spring! They have already installed a four way stop on Taft. Construction on Collister will begin November 2018. For more iformation about the project, please contact Chelsea Holt, 208-387-6147
- Boise Bike Boulevard Coalition presentation. The project started a year ago. It’s a coalition of cyclists who are recruiting other cyclists from across Boise who want to build a master vision for connected “low-stress” cycle routes in Boise and the county. One example of their concerns is Boise High School students riding their bikes to school who have been injured due to poorly protected cycle lanes. The coalition is meeting with community neighborhood associations, ACHD, businesses, schools and others to get input on their ideas. They are currently working with 16 other neighborhoods and would like CNA and our neighborhood members to suggest a network of low stress routes that can be added to the master plan. The first overview plan is going to ACHD on February 28, 2018. The second phase will be refining the low stress routes in each neighborhood. See details online at
- The CNA is reviewing the bylaws which need to be updated this year. Two new members were elected to the board committee tonight. Please welcome Sarah Taylor and Debbie Bloom to the CNA.