Collister Neighborhood Association
Executive Committee Meeting 11/11/17
Notes compiled by S Stone, Secretary.
Committee Members present: Julie Kloche (president), Barney Skogerson (vice president), Janet French (treasurer), Suzanne Stone (secretary). Resident members present, Leslie Felton Jue and Sarah Taylor.
- Report on Ada County Highway District (ACHD) study on Catalpa Drive: Suzanne Stone
In October 2016, ACHD removed speed bumps from the eastern section of Catalpa Drive after completion of the dog bone roundabout installed at Hill Road and 36th Street. Soon after, Catalpa Drive residents noted more vehicles speeding on Catalpa. After witnessing several near accidents involving speeding cars and school students walking to Collister Elementary (also on Catalpa) and Hillside Junior High (students using Catalpa to walk to school). Suzanne initiated a request to ACHD to study speeding, volume of cars, and cut through traffic on Catalpa. The Ada County Highway District (ACHD) Commissioners have established criteria for the installation of traffic calming devices on public roads. The policy states that when identifying the need for traffic calming on a residential street, the volume, the average peak hour speed and percentage of cut-through traffic are to be the three primary considerations. The first two criteria determine eligibility; the final criterion determines who pays for the traffic calming devices. ACHD conducted a multi-day speed and volume count on Catalpa west of 36th. During the evaluation, ACHD found the peak day to be Wednesday and the peak hour was 7-8 AM. The results, listed in the table below, show that the peak hour average speed on Catalpa was 28 MPH (even in the school zone 20 MPH) and with a peak hour volume of 266 vehicles. The study revealed that speeding and volume of cars exceeded the ACHD requirements for Catalpa.
Before acting to reduce speeding, ACHD required Suzanne and other interested residents to gain petition signatures in support of the potential action from local homeowners. ACHD identified 111 homes that would be directly affected by the proposed traffic calming and an additional 164 homes that will be indirectly impacted by the proposed additional traffic calming, necessitating 166 valid property owner signatures (60%). The group then collected 213 signatures (77%) and submitted them within the 90 day period. Nearly 95% of Catalpa Drive home owners signed the petition.
Upon completion of the petition requirement, ACHD scheduled a cut through study for Catalpa which was completed on Wednesday, November 8th. If 77% of the traffic on Catalpa between 36th and Collister is cut through traffic, ACHD will fund the entire traffic slowing alterations to Catalpa Drive. ACHD will be responsible for all the engineering, the striping of the speed humps and the installation of all required signs. If less than 77% is cur through traffic, alternative funding or subsequent appeals can be made with ACHD. Suzanne will report back on the cut through study findings as soon as she receives the results.
- Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation
Our CNA bylaws and AOIs were written nearly 2 decades ago and there is conflicting instructions between them. Additionally, with the advent of new communication technology since the originals were adopted, there are changes needed to help reflect email, website and other communication advances. The committee shall review the bylaws and AOIs, prepare draft changes in December, meet again in January to review the draft, send an alert to Collister residents informing them of the drafts, and then provide an opportunity for residents to review and vote on the adoption of new bylaws and AOIs at the February meeting (second Tuesday of the month).
- Julie will send electronic copies of Bylaws and AOIs to us to review/compare;
- Leslie will check with the City to get templates, if available, and distribute;
- Committee to review and recommend specific needs/legal requirements per City of Boise instructions;
- We will share the working drafts on Google docs so that we can all work on the same document and see each other’s comments and edits;
- Julie will send email notice to list notifying residents of proposed Bylaw and AOI changes and the plan for the February meeting.
- We had a brief discussion about the CNA website. Leslie and Sarah are checking on cheaper options than the current host.
- We decided to postpone the grant application for public art in the dog bone roundabout until we could coordinate with other NAs that share the intersection;
- Leslie is submitting a grant to the City of Boise for the 2018 picnic. Question: can we ask for more funding to help offset the cost of food and beverages?
Next meeting: January 2018 TBD