Notes—Collister Neighborhood Meeting, December 19, Collister Library
Grant Proposals:
- Identity package— identity as neighborhood; signs/logo, then history package—brochure, web page, walking tour, etc. Grant amount: $ 15,000 est., leads: Sarah and Debbie
- Walkway behind Collister Elementary—Grant amount: $9,000 est., lead: Suzanne
- Owens Park—small playground, perhaps covered wagon theme, unknown amount, lead: Suzanne
- Roundabout art—probably multi-neighborhood project
Suzanne will take of submitting forms to city by Fri, Dec. 21
Applications due: Jan 2019; grant decision: July 2019; grant award: Sept. 2019
January 12, 2019—Annual meeting—Collister Methodist Church, 10 am
Agenda: Election, Art grant-fire station, re-cap of grant applications