April Calendar of Events
First Thursday TONIGHT, April 4 includes free admission at the Idaho State Museum this month! Check out all the activities online.
Saturdays, 11 am – noon. Edwards Greenhouse Earthworms for ages 3 to 12 Learn gardening through stories and hands-on activities. Free!
Saturdays – 9 am – 1 pm: The Outdoor Boise Farmers Market opens Saturday, April 6 at a new location! 1500 Shoreline Dr.
Saturday, April 13, 10 am – 5 pm Zoo Boise Easter EGGstravaganza
Saturday, April 20, 2019 – Zoo Boise Kid Night
Monday, April 27 from 6 – 7 pm, Quail Hollow Golf Course. Stewart Gulch Master Plan Open House. See details below.
Events in April at the Library! at Collister: Including storytime, fitness classes, international pen pals, tech classes, digital printer and loads more! Sign up at The Library! at Collister here!
These and more events here: https://www.boise.org/boise/events
Upcoming May Events: Collister Neighborhood Association Quarterly Public Meeting Thursday, May 7 from 7 – 8 pm at Library at Collister, 4724 W State in the Collister Shopping Center. Hope to see you there!
For more events and activities, please visit our Facebook page@CollisterCNA.org
Focus on Our Neighborhood:
Boise Parks & Recreation plans to host an upcoming open house to review the Master Plan for Stewart Gulch Park in Northwest Boise at the Quail Hollow Golf Course clubhouse located at 4720 N. 36th Street on Monday, April 22nd from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. Additionally, property owners within a half-mile radius of Stewart Gulch Park should receive postcard invitations to the open house in the mail, within the next two weeks.
If you are unable to attend, you may send any comments about the Stewart Park Master Plan via email to bpr@cityofboise.org or phone (208) 608-7600. If you have a disability requiring reasonable accommodations, please notify us forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the open house. Telecommunication Devices for the Hearing Impaired (TDD & TTY) are also available by dialing 1-800-377-3529.
When is it time to plant…

For long term residents, the rule was don’t plant your cold sensitive seedling and starters like tomatoes and squash until after the snow was off of Shafer Butte. If you’re new to Boise, ask an old-timer to point it out to you. It’s the mountain in the Boise front that usually keeps a snowy longer than the rest. If you want to use a calendar instead, check out this handy guide from Edwards Greenhouse.
It’s Idaho so it’s never too early to be planning your next (or first) camping trip!

The Idaho State Parks & Recreation Department has an online guide to help you get started. There is even more camping available through our national Forest Service campgrounds starting with the Boise National Forest. For tips on camping, check out the online REI Intro to Camping Series.
Follow Up: The meeting materials from the March 14, 2019 ACHD Budget planning meeting are available now online.

“Ever wonder how roads get improved, how signals replace STOP signs or how new sidewalks are added to older streets? Each year, new items are added to our infrastructure do-list.” Citizens have opportunities to get involved and make requests in coming months before the ACHD Commission considers the spending plan for adoption in late August. The first open house for the Fiscal Year 2020 Budget was held on March 14, 2019. Another public workshop will occur in July.