Notes from CNA board meeting, March 31, 2018
Agenda: Picnic
Present: Suzanne Stone, Debbie Bloom, Sarah Taylor, Julie Klocke
Food: Barney said he has crew in hand. Debbie will check with him about picnic signs and grilling onions, do more info about donation to vet’s group
Health Dept.—Suzanne will check with Leslie about forms
Park Dept. –Julie will send in applications
Music—Suzanne will check on musicians. Hokum Hyflyers not available. Need musicians to play 5:30 to 8
Edwards—Suzanne will contact
Raffle—Sarah will work with Leslie, flyers
Poppy Seed Bakery—Suzanne will contact
Information tables—yes
Ok to let neighbors know they can bring own picnic
Ok for Collister United Methodist Church to have info, water bottles, Julie to ask if they might do children’s activity