Calendar of Free Community Events

Collister Community Hike!
Saturday, September 14:
 Community Foothills Hike – 9 am – noon.  Meet at Hillside Park 4150 36th Street at 9 am at Hillside park with water, hat, sunblock, weather appropriate clothing, and hiking shoes. Friendly well mannered dogs on leashes are welcome. We’ll start at Full Sail trail (an easy one mile beginner trail with the option to continue on your own to Buena Vista for those who want a more rigorous hike).  Residents from Central Foothills and Sunset neighborhoods will be joining us.  For more details, contact 

Coming up in October:

Collister Neighborhood Annual Scarecrow Contest.  Prizes for best scarecrow, best scene, and most creative.  This year features a cycle and walking voting tour.  More details to come! For examples from last year’s contest, see

Transportation Policy Conference
Monday, October 28, 2019, Networking Reception, 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Beside Bardenay, 612 W. Grove St, Boise, ID 83702
Light appetizers and no host bar
Tuesday, October 29, 2019: Transportation Policy Conference, 7:30 am – 4:00 pm Idaho State Capitol, Lincoln Auditorium, 700 W Jefferson St, Boise, ID 83702 Lunch will be served. Sign-in/Badge pick up is from 7:30 – 8:15 am. Conference begins promptly at 8:30 am.


  • Legislative Panel
  • Industry Panel (Engineering, Construction, Trucking, etc.)
  • Rules of the Road & Sidewalks (Important Pedestrian/Bicycle Laws)
  • Autonomous and Connected Vehicles and how they interact with people who walk and bicycle
  • Overview of Safe Routes to Schools and the Children Pedestrian Safety Programs
  • Public Transit Challenges and Opportunities in Idaho’s Urban & Rural Communities

For more information, visit:

Here are the results from our recent Eyrie Terraces Foothills Development Proposal survey conducted by the Collister Neighborhood Association in August/September.  This survey received the highest response ever of any survey we’ve conducted to date! 96.86 percent of 159 respondents asked that we encourage the City to deny the request to develop the Open Space lot and the proposed subdivision and instead seek to acquire the Foothills parcels to complete the Hillside to Hollow trail system while 3.14 percent support approving it.  We submitted a letter to Planning and Zoning asking the City to deny the proposal and summarizing your responses (see graph and word cloud graphics below).

Please plan to attend the Monday, September 16 P & Z commission hearing in the Maryanne Jordan City Council Chambers 3rd floor at City Hall if you wish to testify in person.  For those who missed the survey that we emailed to our list, please see background info below. Big thanks to the Central Bench Neighborhood Association for leading the charge on this issue!

Background: A developer has requested to change the status of the Eyrie Subdivision’s “unbuildable” lot currently set aside as “Open Space.” If approved this would allow road access for a new Foothills subdivision. The proposed subdivision would include developing an Open Space lot within Eyrie Canyon subdivision designated by the City of Boise as ‘unbuildable’ during Eyrie Canyon’s approval in 2009.  As part of the subdivision approval, Planning & Zoning Commission determined this lot was to remain “Open Space”.  The Open Space parcel also contains a trail that was required as a condition of approval. No alternative has been proposed.
• Both parcels are very steep and exceed the City’s thresh hold for development of 25% slope. Nearly the entirety of both parcels is steeper than 25%.
• Because of the steep terrain, significant cut and fill would occur and the topography would be visibly altered. Some areas would require over 80’ of fill dirt taken from the tops of the foothills to create streets and building pads.  The developer proposes to take 50 feet of hilltop from the prominent ridge, which can be seen from Hill Road intersection dog bone, Hillside Jr High, Quail Hollow Golf Course, much of the Collister and Sunset neighborhoods and throughout of the Treasure Valley.  The City’s Blueprint Boise plan and Hillside Development Ordinance discourages development of prominent ridge lines.
• This area has already experienced threatening fires with limited access out of the area. There is only one road in and out of the proposed subdivision. There is no secondary access if the main access is cut off due to fire. The Boise Fire Department has requested that the permit be denied.
The Central Foothills Neighborhood Association is encouraging the City of Boise and Land Trust of the Treasure Valley to purchase this property to complete the Hillside to Hollow Reserve.  This acquisition would guarantee Foothills trail access, wildlife and native plant habitat, and preserve the natural foothills’ beauty in this area for generations to come.
Check out the new organic, fair trade Collister Neighborhood Blend at our local Caffeina Roasting Company!  They’re located in the Collister Shopping Center.  Please thank them for their support of our neighborhood.  Caffeina is donating $1 from the purchase of every Collister Blend container of fresh coffee beans to help fund our annual picnic and other neighborhood association activities!
September is Neighborhood Month
!The City of Boise is hosting a Youth Art Contest

Throughout September, kids will be invited to submit their artwork depicting “What makes your neighborhood special” to their neighborhood library branches or City Hall. Artwork will be on display throughout September and featured at the Good Neighbor Awards and the Energize Boise Celebration. Winners will be selected by age range: 04, 5-9, 10-15. Deadline to submit artwork is
. September 23