Hello Neighbors,
Many thanks to everyone who completed our transportation priorities survey at the end of 2018. You helped inform the neighborhood association’s request for projects to prioritize in our neighborhood. With your input, we requested prioritization of the following items:
- Taft Street improvements for calming traffic and increasing safety that could include sidewalk continuations, bike path, crosswalks, bulb outs and chicanes from 36th Street to Sycamore. Protruding traffic calming is desired to deter the use of Taft Street as a bypass when State Street is congested taking into consideration the new seven lane State Street upgrade and also that Taft St. is part of the Low Stress Bike Route adopted in 2018.
- Implementing the proposed Low Stress Bike Route by installing continuous signage (e.g., wayfinding or branding signage), appropriate crossings of collector and arterial roads, and on-street markings (e.g., sharrows or bike lanes) through the Collister neighborhood section of the Regional Low-Stress Bikeway Network to include: Taft, Sycamore, Catalpa, Collister, John’s Landing, Elmer St. to Pierce Park
- Collister Street Improvements Concept Study. As referenced in The Northwest Boise Neighborhood Walking and Biking Plan “a concept study to do additional public outreach and evaluate different alternatives is needed before recommendations are implemented”.
The city just approved the list of prioritized recommendations that will be submitted to ACHD for consideration during their 5-year budget planning. http://boisecityid.iqm2.com/Citizens/FileOpen.aspx?Type=1&ID=3193&Inline=True
Two of our priorities made the top ten list! Great job neighbors! I look forward to keeping you all updated as ACHD works through the budget process. If you are interested in staying involved, please consider joining the neighborhood transportation committee. Email vicepres@collistercna.org if you are interested.